Homemade Vegetable Thins recipe

dinner, recipes

Vegetable thins were my absolute favorite cracker, but since our decision to eat less processed food we haven’t eaten them in a while.
The boys and I have already tackled soda crackers, gold fish, and “Parmesan” crackers, so we figured we should try to make Homemade Vegetable Thins as well.  I didn’t find much on the internet on these so with the knowledge gained from making “Parmesan” crackers, I started from scratch on these Homemade Vegetable Thins.  It took us quite a few trys, but I think they’ve turned out pretty well.

Preheat your oven to 350 F.

First you will need your dehydrated vegetable flakes.  I bought Peoples Pantry Vegetable Flakes at Foodland, but you can get vegetable flakes at Bulkbarn as well.  Place them in a coffee grinder and pulse until you have small bits (some of the flakes will have turned to powder, but that’s o.k.).  Set this aside, and take out your food processor.

You can make the Homemade Vegetable Thins without one, but you will have to cut in the coconut oil by hand, so using the food processor just makes it easier.  Place all your dry ingredients in and pulse a couple times to combine everything.  Add your coconut oil and pulse until it is evenly incorporated into the dry ingredients.  Now, while the food processor is on low slowly add your water.  It probably won’t come together into a ball, but if you press a little bit between your fingers it should stay together, then you know it’s ready.

Form the dough into a rough ball, then place it on lightly floured parchment paper.  Place another sheet of parchment over-top, and roll it out into a rectangle, the thinner you roll them the crispier they will be.

homemade vegetable thins rolled and cut

Cut into little rectangle pieces, removing the rough edges, re-roll these and repeat until you have used all the dough.

homemade vegetable thins rolled and cut and ready for the oven

 Place the crackers on the parchment paper, on a cookie sheet and in the oven.  I would suggest placing these in the center of your oven.  It is better to bake them in two batches, so the ones close to the edge don’t burn. Watch these carefully, as the difference between cooked and burned is a matter of minutes.  I like to rotate these part way through baking, to evenly bake them.

Homemade vegetable thins just out of the oven

Take them out and let them cool fully, then place in an airtight container (or they will get moist again).

vegetable thins straight out of the oven upclose

 Eat them plain or serve with your favorite vegan cheese.

Homemade Vegetable Thins recipe

Homemade Vegetable Thins recipe


  • 1 c. all-purpose flour
  • ¼ c. whole wheat flour
  • 2 Tbsp. dried vegetable flakes, ground
  • 1 Tbsp. onion powder
  • 1 Tbsp. carrot powder
  • 1 Tbsp. xylitol sugar
  • ¾ - 1 tsp. sea salt
  • 1 tsp. roasted red pepper powder
  • ¼ c. coconut oil, cool and solid
  • ¼ c. plus 1- 3 Tbsp. cold water (the amount of water will depend on the humidity that day, kind of flour, etc.).


  1. In a coffee grinder, pulse dried mixed vegetable flakes until they are almost powder but not quite, they should be the size of the little bits of vegetables you see in vegetable thins.
  2. In your food processor, place all but the coconut oil and the water.
  3. Pulse until combined.
  4. Place the solid coconut oil in the food processor and pulse until it is broken down and combined with the floor.
  5. Turn the food processor on low and drizzle in the water, slowly adding the last tablespoons (you may not need all 3 Tbsp. of water, depending on humidity and the flour used).
  6. It should stay together when you pinch it between your fingers.
  7. Form it into a ball.
  8. Roll out between two lightly floured parchment papers.
  9. Cut into rectangle.
  10. Remove the imperfect edges, reroll these into a ball and roll out again.
  11. When you have used all the dough, bake in the oven, on parchment paper at 350oF for 5-10 minutes, depending on your oven, but watch carefully as they will burn easily.
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 Carrot powder is an excellent way to add your daily amount of vitamin A to your diet, if you don’t have your own dehydrated carrot powder it is available from nuts.com.  According to nuts.com 20 grams of carrot powder contains 273 % vitamin A.

In this recipe I used roasted red bell pepper powder from wholespice but you could possibly substitute for paprika.

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3 thoughts on “Homemade Vegetable Thins recipe

    1. Thank you, my hope is to help others by passing on the things I have learned about food and gardening and to encourage others to eat what they grow.

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