Mulled Cider


The holiday season is here, the children are home and the snow is falling big gentle flakes making it feel like someone has shaken a giant snow globe; and when all your outdoor play is done it’s nice to come in and warm up by the fire and sip a nice hot drink.  My children love cider, they have been asking and asking for it, so the other day I gave in and picked some up.  Dad of course is a fan of anything warm, especially this time of year, so I thought I would make mulled cider as a special evening treat and share the recipe with you at the same time.  This is Lorissa’s recipe from our “Pure and Simple” cookbook. 

Thanks Riss.

I made this on our wood fired stove, but you could use a slow cooker too.  It’s easy to throw together, here’s what you will need:

  • 1 quart apple cider, I like to use PC Fresh Pressed Sweet Apple Cider.
  • half an orange, sliced
  • 1/8 tsp. ginger, the recipe calls for dried, this time I used fresh ginger but it wasn’t as strong, so the dried ginger is probably a better choice.
  • 1/2 tsp. coriander or to taste

Simply slice the orange and place it into either your saucepan or slow-cooker;  pour 1 quart of apple cider in and add the ginger and coriander.


That’s it just simmer on low for 20 minutes, or place in a slow cooker on low for a few hours, the nice thing about the slow cooker is you can make it ahead and it will keep it warm for your guests.

The recipe didn’t call for it, but I added a stick of Ceylon cinnamon.  I don’t usually use cinnamon, but a good friend of mine shared with me how Ceylon cinnamon is better for you, so I found some at and thought I would try it out.  I think it made a nice addition.  Let me know what you think.  What is your favorite way to make mulled cider?


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