Make your own Maple Candy

dessert, Uncategorized

Although maple syrup is great just the way it is, maple candy is wonderful on a whole new level.  Taking a bite and feeling those little maple syrup crystals melting on your tongue is something you must experience for yourself.  It doesn’t require much, just a large pot, a thermometer, a candy mold or a silicone mold, some maple syrup, a little coconut oil, and a little vegetable oil. Continue reading

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Fluffy Cornmeal Pancakes – Oil-free, Sugar-free

breakfast, Uncategorized

It’s that time again, the sap is running, and the syrup is flowing off the pans.  What better time to have a great healthy pancake to go with it.  Some times just saying healthy is like saying yucky, but this is so far from the truth with these guys.  Yes, they contain no oil, no sugar, and they are total vegetarian (vegan), totally delicious all at the same time.   Continue reading

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Vegan Chicken Alfredo


Vegan "Chicken" Alfredo on a white plate with parsley garnish in front, and bread in the background

It was my oldest son’s turn to pick what we had for dinner, and he picked Alfredo.  In the past I have always used cashews to make my cream sauce for Alfredo; but today I wasn’t even sure I had enough cashews to make it, but I did have left over millet that I had cooked up this morning and I figured I would try something new. Continue reading

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Homemade Vegetable Thins recipe

dinner, recipes

Vegetable thins were my absolute favorite cracker, but since our decision to eat less processed food we haven’t eaten them in a while.
The boys and I have already tackled soda crackers, gold fish, and “Parmesan” crackers, so we figured we should try to make Homemade Vegetable Thins as well.  I didn’t find much on the internet on these so with the knowledge gained from making “Parmesan” crackers, I started from scratch on these Homemade Vegetable Thins.  It took us quite a few trys, but I think they’ve turned out pretty well. Continue reading

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Whole wheat bread machine recipe

breakfast, recipes, Uncategorized

Here is a review/comparison using our whole wheat bread machine recipe (with all-purpose substitute) in a Black and Decker 3 lb loaf machine vs. the oven.  The one on the left was baked in the Black and Decker (a slightly taller skinnier pan) the one on the right was baked in the oven (in a wider shallower pan).

spelt-whole wheat bread machine recipe

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Tangy Spring Salad

recipes, Uncategorized

tangy spring salad rhubarb

Rhubarb is a great way to add a tangy twist to every day salads.  Ever since I discovered that rhubarb is actually a vegetable, an obvious but over looked fact.  I’ve been looking for new ways to enjoy this wonderful vegetable.  My first discovery was to replace celery in potato salad with finely chopped rhubarb, it was a delicious hit, (recipe to come soon).  Why stop there I thought, why not add it to my vegan “mock chicken” salad sandwiches, and or add it to a nice spring salad for a tangy little twist.  The color it adds to any dish is just an added bonus.  So that’s today’s recipe a nice tangy spring salad fresh from the garden to your fork. Continue reading

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Poppy-seed dressing


Does making your own salad dressing seem daunting?  I felt that way once too, but it doesn’t have to be.  It has been so long since I have bought salad dressing I can’t even remember the last time.  A friend shared an incredible salad dressing recipe with me, and once I learned how, I just didn’t go back.  It’s way faster and easier than you think.  All you need is a good blender (and sometimes you don’t even need that), a handful of ingredients, a good recipe to get you started, and some imagination to keep you going.   The possibilities are endless.   Continue reading

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Pumpkin Crunch Granola


What could be better on a winter morning than crunchy granola made with healthy pumpkin seeds?  Although we harvested our pumpkins more than two months ago, I still had three hanging around the house, so I decided to cut them open today and show you… and I just happened to have a great recipe for some crunchy pumpkin granola.   Continue reading

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